Sunday, January 27, 2013

Down for the Count

Sorry guys, I know you are wanting more posts before you start commenting back. Remember this is the start of the semester and we're putting information into our blogs as the professor instructs us to. That and I've been very sick this entire week. I went to one class this entire week and even then I felt like collapsing. Me + falling over = not good. I'm feeling a bit better now and will hopefully shake this before tomorrows class. Until then thank you for commenting at all and know that more posts are on the way.

Something I did learn this week at our place (a classroom away from campus if you will) is what a wonderful wife I have. Back when I got off my mission I was charged with the task of now finding my eternal companion, marrying her, and starting our family together. Back then I thought I had the perfect companion in mind and when I started dating I put each girl I dated into this mindset that she is the one. When I simply let life happen and focused on what I needed to, I found her. Again I had this mindset back then, but what I found was so much more. What I found was someone who cared for me no matter what, who listens to every little thing I want or need even when she's upset or is busy with other things, and constantly shows me how much she loves me through the great and small acts on a daily basis.

This week has been really hard for me to take physically and I dare say would've been near impossible were it not for my sweet wife taking such good care of me. But, what I've learned this week was even though Megan has lots of things to do and is stressed out about a lot of them, that she's constantly worrying about me as well. I learned that I'm always a priority for her and that although it's sometimes not convenient to run an errand for me or take care of me, she always does before she does something for herself.

We've been married for over a year now. This last year I've learned so much about what love is and how it expresses itself through two people. This behavior I've seen in Megan this last week is the same behavior that I've seen since we began dating. I feel so blessed to know her and to be married to her for this last year. My life has been changed for the better because of her and I know that this is only the tip of the iceberg of the happiness we can share together.

I thought I knew what love is and I thought I had my "perfect companion" in mind when I got home from my mission. But what I found in Megan and what I experience now is so much more than what I could ever have asked for.
What I've ultimately learned this week is that I am one lucky man.   
 ---I love you Megan

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Hello everyone! It would be of great value to me and my comprehension for this class if you would leave your own thoughts and impressions about my entries. Doing so will help me to gain a better perspective on the topics I write about and will help me along during the semester to broaden my understanding. Thank you!

Social Trends

In our last class we discussed the research on societal trends of the family over the last 50 years. We learned, in some great detail, that the family structure is under serious attack. We found that divorce rates are up, premarital sex is up, number of marriages are down, cohabitation is up, number of kids are going down, the number of people living alone are going up, social activities in families are going down, there are more mother's at work, and there is a rise in the number of births to unwed women. We were then asked to discuss in small groups whether or not these issues are Significant, Interesting, or No Big Deal to us. The results of the class startled me. In a class of approx 50 students issues of fewer kids, mothers at work, social activities, and cohabitation were very mixed. Lots of people felt they were simply interesting and some even thought they were no big deal. My group came to the consensus that all these issues were significant and were REAL threats to the family today. I thought back to recent and past General Conference addresses and all of these issues were either mentioned or spoken about in great detail. Satan is working overtime to destroy the family. These issues are just a few of the ways that he fights against the family and according to these statistics his methods are doing more damage than we realize. I believe these issues are real and that they important to keep in mind as we deal with our families so that we do not become the statistic. May we all reach and cleave unto the Lord for strength to fight off the advances of the adversary and find lasting happiness in our family.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Initial Post

Hello everyone! This is the first of many posts I'll be doing this semester. I look forward to getting to know all of you this semester. Enjoy!